Advertising videos are methods used to promote for company’s either for the product or just awareness there are many advertising tools such as social media, loyalty programs, PR, and more so advertising videos transfer the message of the ad through broadcasting movies, or visual images.
Benefits of advertising videos
Organizations try their best to engage in as much as possible marketing strategies to enhance a huge market share and be the leading against their competitors, and one of these marketing strategies is celebrity endorsement through advertising videos, to reach new customers and increase their sales. First, let’s define what celebrity endorsement is; it is an advertising method where an organization brings a celebrity to kind of approve of their product in a short AD.
How do organizations utilize advertising videos in a different way?
Many researches imply that celebrities on advertising videos have a positive effect on attracting more customer attention and also the associate of a brand with one person persuades the audience more, not only that but there are many reasons why they believe that celebrities will help them achieve their goal. Even though celebrity endorsement is considered one of the most expensive marketing strategies, organizations are still willing to do so, if that aspect will succeed in satisfying customers’ needs, sustain their loyalty, and bring new customers. Believing that the outcome will exceed the costs.
After the studies showed how effective i is advertising videos many companies focus in their advertising on bring more celebrities to ensure a positive image of the brand in the customers’ mindset and also regarding customers its more convincing for them to purchase a product when they can relate to a person who is utilizing the product, especially if they trust this person or know them such as a celebrity. Scilicet, when the message of the advertising is coming from a celebrity this influences the customers more.
Celebrity endorsement in advertising videos
The most successful celebrity endorsement is when the celebrity matches with the brand or the product. In other words that the product should fit in with the celebrity, however, there are many studies that indicate these aspects; the more compatibility between the product and the celebrity profession, the more effective the advertising videos are. For instance, you cannot bring a male celebrity to endorse a skincare product or hair shampoo. Since the target audience are females, so it will be more persuasive if they bring for example Tara Emad which was Miss Egypt. Then the ad is Trusteer and also the product matches with the celebrity. So this will convince more of the target audience to purchase the product.
One of the most successful campaigns was a non-profitable anti-drugs campaign, the ambassador celebrity was Mohamed Salah, the campaign message matched perfectly with the celebrity; the message was not to ruin your life and to be successful by avoiding drugs; the reason why the celebrity endorsement was very effective is because MoSalah is very loved among Egyptians, with a pleasing reputation, and respectful manners. In addition to his strong successful story, this campaign enthused many teenagers since their idol was already MoSalah. Thus, it was considered a very successful campaign.
Not only that a celebrity will attract more attention but they can also change a consumers opinion about a product, but according to studies there are two major reasons why the endorsement of the celebrity on advertising videos, it is the very effective first one is called informational social impact; which is that customers hearing about a product from a celebrity in a positive way their words are taken as an indication of authenticity and trusted. The second one is normative social impact, and this is when someone wants to copy or match the celebrity. And those two reasons increase the credibility of the celebrity. The more known or credible the celebrity is the more others will trust their words, and the more other customers will like to follow their steps.
read also : Advertising and promotional videos
The other side of advertising videos using celebrity
But it’s not as easy as it seems one wrong celebrity endorsement in advertising videos can cause a negative effect on the brand image. As much as celebrity endorsement, it drags more attention and helps in recalling the product. But it’s better to have no endorsement than to have a celebrity who doesn’t match the brand or a celebrity with low credibility, thus the company must take into consideration “while they’re making advertising videos’ ‘its reputation and also the celebrity reputation while making decisions of whom they choose to represent their brand.
As mentioned when an organization is considering the ambassador of a celebrity they must contemplate the celebrity reputation and other brands’ endorsement, cause when a celebrity is endorsing many other brands that make him less credible and might affect the brand image in a negative way.
As for instance, the very famous incident of Mike Tyson, where he was used in Pepsi advertising, to later be sentenced to 6 years in prison after found guilty for raping 18 years old. Tyson crime influenced Pepsi revenue where it caused a decline in their profits, therefore choosing the celebrity is such an important aspect when it comes to advertising videos campaigns since their image and reputation will influence the brand image too.
Ultimately, advertising videos are a smart tool for marketing your brand, increase brand awareness and build lifelong relationships with your consumers
Here in Rageh Advertising and Digital Marketing Agency, we’ve the best team and ideas for such a mission, all you need to do for creating your unique advertising videos is to contact us